
K-8 Therapeutic Program
K-8 LD, OHI, ID, and ED and Programming
JTC Academy offers students with moderate to severe disabilities equitable and inclusive access to the general education curriculum with age-appropriate materials paired with individualized interventions aligned with state standards.
Desktops/ Chromebooks: All youth in Grades K-8 are assigned their own desktop or Chromebook to access resources and other programs/websites that JTC Academy requires.
JTC Academy has recently adopted TeachTown to our tool kit. TeachTown specializes in bringing in general education standards to our classrooms for a more equitable and appropriate approach to teaching. Click here to learn more!
Reading and Language Arts
ILIT is our main “teacher directed” reading and language arts instructional website. This website allows for the teacher to teach all students at various reading levels and also has a wealth of individual reading novels and non-fiction materials. Renaissance Star 360, Acellus, Reading A to Z, Raz Kids and IXL are supplemental resources available at JTC Academy to address additional skills and/or gaps in student learning. Teachers also utilize class sets of various novels and conduct novel studies that can also be very therapeutic in nature.
Touch Math, Go Math, Acellus and IXL are the math programs for grades K-8
Social Studies
Specific Social Studies courses are all assigned a predetermined textbook for each grade level in order to meet the Illinois Course Requirements. Acellus is utilized as a supplement for learning and assessment.